
Professional Writers of Austin is a free, members-only networking group for professional and aspiring writers. Upon acceptance to PWA, you will be assigned a membership designation and a category.


Professional – PWA considers you a professional if you a.) currently collect an income from writing-related activities, or b.) have published in at least one venue that utilizes a juried process.

Self-Publisher – PWA considers you a self-publisher if you have published in a venue that does not utilize a juried process.

Apprentice – PWA considers you an apprentice if you a.) aspire to collect an income from writing-related activities, or b.) aspire to publish in a venue that either does or does not utilize a juried process, and c.) are currently taking actionable steps toward at least one of these goals.


Editorial/Technical – PWA considers you an editorial/technical writer if your writing-related activities are mostly dedicated to fact-based endeavors such as news reporting, copywriting, proofreading, etc.

Creative – PWA considers you a creative writer if your writing-related activities are mostly dedicated to artistic endeavors such as novel writing, memoir writing, poetry writing, etc.

Use the form below to join PWA. Questions? Click here.